require_once 'studentlistingfileconstants.php';
* Purpose: Validates an uploaded student image file
* Description: Validates an uploaded student image file is not greater than SL_MAX_FIE (1/2 MB),
* and is either a jpg or png image type, and has no errors. If the image file
* validates to these constraints, an error message containing an empty string is
* returned. If there is an error, a string containing constraints the file failed
* to validate to are returned.
* @return string Empty if validation is successful, otherwise error string containing
* constraints the image file failed to validate to.
function validateStudentImageFile()
$error_message = "";
// Check for $_FILES being set and no errors.
if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES['student_image_file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
// Check for uploaded file < Max file size AND an acceptable image type
if ($_FILES['student_image_file']['size'] > SL_MAX_FILE_SIZE)
$error_message = "The student file image must be less than " . SL_MAX_FILE_SIZE . " Bytes";
$image_type = $_FILES['student_image_file']['type'];
if ($image_type != 'image/jpg' && $image_type != 'image/jpeg' && $image_type != 'image/pjpeg'
&& $image_type != 'image/png' && $image_type != 'image/gif')
if (empty($error_message))
$error_message = "The student file image must be of type jpg, png, or gif.";
$error_message .= ", and be an image of type jpg, png, or gif.";
elseif (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES['student_image_file']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE
&& $_FILES['student_image_file']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
$error_message = "Error uploading student image file.";
return $error_message;
* Purpose: Moves an uploaded student image file to the SL_UPLOAD_PATH (images/) folder and
* return the path location.
* Description: Moves an uploaded student image file from the temporary server location to the
* SL_UPLOAD_PATH (images/) folder IF a student image file was uploaded and returns
* the path location of the uploaded file by appending the file name to the
* SL_UPLOAD_PATH (e.g. images/student_image.png). IF a student image file was NOT
* uploaded, an empty string will be returned for the path.
* @return string Path to student image file IF a file was uploaded AND moved to the SL_UPLOAD_PATH
* (images/) folder, otherwise and empty string.
function addStudentImageFileReturnPathLocation()
$student_file_path = "";
// Check for $_FILES being set and no errors.
if (isset($_FILES) && $_FILES['student_image_file']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK)
$student_file_path = SL_UPLOAD_PATH . $_FILES['student_image_file']['name'];
if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['student_image_file']['tmp_name'], $student_file_path))
$student_file_path = "";
return $student_file_path;
* Purpose: Removes a file given a path to that file.
* Description: Removes the file referenced by $student_file_path. Supresses error
* if file cannot be removed.
* @param $student_file_path
function removeStudentImageFile($student_file_path)